Silica Sands for Infills

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If you're thinking about putting in artificial turf, you need to know how silica sands work as infills. We will go over the definition, advantages, and necessity of silica sand infills for maintaining premium artificial grass.

What is Silica Sand?

Known by another name, quartz sand, silica sand is a naturally occurring material mostly made of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Fine powders, and bigger granules are among its many forms. For use as an infill material in artificial turf, silica sand is treated to eliminate contaminants and produce a consistent grain size.

Importance of Infill for Artificial Turf

Support the Turf Blades: By maintaining the blades upright, infills give the turf a lush and natural look.

Improve Durability: By keeping the turf from shifting, appropriate infills lessen wear and tear and, extend its life.

Enhance Drainage: By facilitating efficient water drainage, infills help to avoid puddles, and keep the turf usable after rains.

Provide Cushioning: Their soft surface improves the comfort of walking, playing, or lounging on the turf.

How to Apply Silica Sand Infill

Clean the turf: Make sure the turf is dry and clean before you begin.

Distribute the sand: Across the turf surface, evenly distribute the silica sand. For standard coverage use a drop spreader.

Brush the turf: Using a turf brush or a stiff-bristle broom, work the sand into the grass fibers. This both supports the blades and aids in the sand's settlement.

Water the turf: To aid the sand to settle and compact, lightly water the turf.